I person a Unicode drawstring successful Python and I would similar to distance each the accents diacritics I recovered connected the net an elegant manner to
What is the quickest best implement oregon technique to person matter information betwixt quality units Particularly I demand to person from UTFeight to
Whats the direct quality betwixt Unicode and ASCII ASCII has a entire of 128 characters 256 successful the prolonged fit Is location immoderate dimension
The quality household with 2 ladies 1 miss and 1 lad is encoded arsenic specified U1F469 Female U200D ZWJ U1F469 Female U200D ZWJ U1F467 Miss U200D ZWJ U1F466
Example codification successful a REPL import json jsonstring jsondumps markjsonstring Output u05d1u05e8u05d9 u05e6u05e7u05dcu05d4 The job its not quality