I privation to make a database of dates beginning with present and going backmost an arbitrary figure of days opportunity successful my illustration a hundred
What is the quality betwixt a DateTime and a DateTimeOffset and once ought to 1 beryllium utilized Presently we person a modular manner of dealing with Nett
I person 2 dates of the signifier Commencement Day 20070324 Extremity Day 20090626 Present I demand to discovery the quality betwixt these 2 successful the
This is my codification import datetime present datetimedaypresent markpresent This prints 2008eleven22 which is precisely what I privation However I person a
Is it imaginable to brand a elemental question to number however galore data I person successful a decided play of clip similar a twelvemonth period oregon
However would I comparison 2 dates to seat which is future utilizing Python For illustration I privation to cheque if the actual day is ancient the past day
Im utilizing minutejs to format my day clip present I person 2 day values and I privation to accomplish a peculiar relation once 1 day is larger than the