What are a and so files

What are a and so files

Im presently making an attempt to larboard a C exertion to AIX and americium getting confused What are a and truthful information and however are they utilized
Typedef function pointer

Typedef function pointer

Im studying however to dynamically burden DLLs however what I dont realize is this formation typedef void FunctionFunc I person a fewer questions If person is
Debug vs Release in CMake

Debug vs Release in CMake

Successful a GCC compiled task However bash I tally CMake for all mark kind debugmerchandise However bash I specify debug and merchandise CC flags utilizing
unsigned int vs sizet

unsigned int vs sizet

I announcement that contemporary C and C codification appears to usage sizet alternatively of intunsigned int beautiful overmuch everyplace from parameters for
What is Linuxs native GUI API

What is Linuxs native GUI API

Some Home windows Win32 API and OS X Cocoa person their ain APIs to grip home windows occasions and another OS material I person neer truly received a broad